Kathleen McNamara Schroeder
Lecturer Emerita, Biochemistry
office: CSL-505
email: kmcnamara@sdsu.edu

Courses Taught
- Introduction to General Chemistry
- Forensic Science
- Biochemistry Laboratory
Research Interests
As the lab manager for Dr. Stumph, I help research the molecular mechanisms of gene expression. I am also interested in forensic biology and conduct short term projects on problems in establishing genetic identity. Recent projects undertaken with Dr Bohonak of the Biology Department include isolation of DNA from southern mule deer scat for non-invasive estimates of genetic variation and developing a protocol to isolate genomic DNA from individual fairy shrimp cysts.
Selected Publications
- K. McNamara-Schroeder, C. Olonan, S. Chu, M. Montoya, M. Alviri, S. Ginty, and J. Love. "DNA Fingerprint Analysis of Three Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Loci for Biochemistry and Forensic Science Laboratory Courses." Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2006, 34, 378-383.
- H.T. Lai, H. Chen, C. Li, K. McNamara-Schroeder, and W.E. Stumph. "The PSEA promoter element of the Drosophila U1 snRNA gene is sufficient to bring DmSNAPc into contact with 20 base pairs of downstream DNA." Nucleic Acids Res. 2005, 33, 6579-6586.
- C. Li, G.A. Harding, J. Parise, K.J. McNamara-Schroeder, and W.E. Stumph. "Architectural Arrangement of Cloned Proximal Sequence Element-Binding Protein Subunits on Drosophila U1 and U6 snRNA Gene Promoters." Mol. Cell. Biol. 2004, 24, 1897-1906.